BBC News: 28/05/2015 10:00

Fifa's Sepp Blatter under pressure
Fifa president Sepp Blatter chairs an emergency meeting under growing political pressure over the corruption scandal which began on Wednesday.
Malaysian police probed over graves
Malaysia detains 12 policemen suspected of human trafficking, two of whom are said to be connected to recently discovered jungle graves.
US military shipped anthrax to labs
The US military accidentally sent live anthrax samples to labs across the country and a US military base in South Korea, the Pentagon says.
Cameron's EU exit warning to leaders
UK PM David Cameron starts a tour of European capitals as a bill paving the way for the UK's EU referendum is launched.
Burnt China care home 'poorly built'
China says a Henan nursing home which caught fire killing 38 people was poorly constructed, and top-level prosecutors are investigating.


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